
Montessori Blog

5 Useful Tools to Navigate Separation Anxiety

5 Useful Tools for Navigating Separation Anxiety Welcome to a new school year woohoo! It’s time for you and your little one to be ready to separate at preschool (or daycare). Keep in mind that you are not separating, so much as gaining new experiences which will eventually give you more to share as you grow together.   If this is a new experience for you, don’t stress! We are the support that can allow you to feel confident in

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Grand Opening

Roots & Wings Archives: Heritage House Grand Opening Address – May 24, 2003

  Heritage House Location Grand Opening Address – May 24, 2003   Well, look what we did together! We are so excited to finally open the Heritage House doors to our Roots community, to begin the next phase our journey.   It’s no secret the world is in a challenging place.  The media appeal to our emotions, creating fear and confusion, and many are overwhelmed at the current state of our planet.   But there’s a quiet revolution going on;

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Montessori Graduates

Montessori Graduates: Eliminating Age Labels and Comparisons

We’re here to celebrate the progress and accomplishments of a special group of children, our Montessori graduates – in fact, we’re celebrating their shift, from one level of development to the next.   Congratulations graduates, you are the future!   A parent asked yesterday why we choose these particular levels for graduation. Montessori was brilliant in realizing the needs of the different levels of development, in understanding when the changes occurred. Some are shifting from the stage in which they

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The Importance of Social and Emotional Intelligence

In his 1995 book Emotional Intelligence, well-known psychologist and author Daniel Goleman first brought to light the concept of social and emotional intelligence. He argues that human competencies such as self-awareness, self-discipline, persistence and empathy are of much greater consequence than IQ in life. Goleman consistently found that IQ (tested intelligence) contributes only about 20% to financial and personal success, and the other 80% is highly correlated with social-emotional abilities.   What is emotional intelligence?   Self-awareness – Observing yourself

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On Knives, Needles and Glasses

“Remove anything that could hurt a child – dangerous sewing needles, sharp knives, breakable glasses.”  This is the instinct of many caregivers, in order to keep our children safe.  But is this really the best way to protect our children?  Obviously none of us wants to see our children hurt.  But Montessori believed true safety comes from educating and empowering our youngsters, so that they are in control and can use dangerous tools confidently, without fear.   Reports prove that

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Brain Development

Essential Planes of Your Child’s Development

Maria Montessori spent many years studying and observing children and the development of their brains. Her understanding of this process improved drastically over her years as an educator, and we now know that there are essential planes of brain development that every child goes through. These planes are critical to understanding how to support a child’s growth and development, and they provide a framework for parents and educators to make informed decisions about the care and education of their children.

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Alphabet for Humanity

A New Alphabet for Humanity

Children’s Book A New Alphabet for Humanity Offers a Joyful Upgrade to Our ABC’s.   Families love this Vibrant and Mindful book that children are asking to read again and again. Have you read it yet? We have been following along in our classrooms each month, focussing on each word and the lessons they offer. Starting in the new year, our words of focus were Forgiveness and Gratitude.   We have expressed Forgiveness as a way for each person to feel

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Perception of Personal Capability

Having a belief in one’s own personal capability (self-efficacy) is essential for success in life.   Feeling capable is more than just having confidence in our acquired academic knowledge and skills; it is the deeper confidence in our own minds that makes it possible to acquire knowledge and skills and achieve success. Our perception of personal capability influences our ability to identify options, apply problem solving skills, and make wise decisions based upon values and principles. This sense of personal

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we forget

We Forget, You Know

We forget, you know. Forget to appreciate. We get complacent, move through our days as if everyone lived and learned as we do, in such surroundings as ours. We get mired in occasional challenges and lose sight of the big picture. We forget that our children are independent learners, free to explore their own interests, develop their own individual skills at their own rate, using materials designed by an educational genius (Maria Montessori), who discovered the right tools for each

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How Gifts Can Enhance or Limit Your Child’s Imagination: Role-Playing vs Make-Believe

It is important to the well-being of our children for us to understand the difference between fantasy, imagination and creativity. Our confusion of these abilities can be detrimental to their progress:   Fantasy: a retreat from the real world through mental conception of unreal images Imagination: a way of mentally visualizing what one has learned of reality Creativity: imagined (real) facts are presented in an original way   Thus the exercise of a child’s imagination, expressed in role playing (such

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