A New Alphabet for Humanity

Alphabet for Humanity

Children’s Book A New Alphabet for Humanity Offers a Joyful Upgrade to Our ABC’s.


Families love this Vibrant and Mindful book that children are asking to read again and again. Have you read it yet? We have been following along in our classrooms each month, focussing on each word and the lessons they offer. Starting in the new year, our words of focus were Forgiveness and Gratitude.


We have expressed Forgiveness as a way for each person to feel better in any altercations or unhappy disagreements. We have been encouraging the children to express Forgiveness when a friend may have done something to upset them, and further encourage conversation between themselves to solve problems that may arise. (December’s Empathy is also encouraged!)


This has played out in the change of how they speak to each other: instead of saying “that’s okay” as an automatic response to another child apologizing for something, we have been working with this new response: “I forgive you, please try not to do that again”. We have since observed the willingness to forgive and have understanding for each other.


Then comes Gratitude. A big word for young children, however we have expressed it as being happy about what makes you happy: happy to have hugs from a parent, happy to come to school and learn, happy to have a yummy lunch, happy to play with friends.


Childrens’ understanding comes from feeling it at home as well as at school; so ask them what makes them smile, and share what makes you smile. Please ensure it also includes just having your child in their family, for being who they are as individuals, not just what they are doing to contribute to their home life (celebrating being not just doing). Do you feel Grateful too?


February brought us Happiness and Imagination, and in March we explore Kind and Joyful.


Find out here where to get yourself a copy.


What are your favourite Wise words from this Loving line-up of letters? Let us know on Instagram, Facebook, or stop by one of our centres and say hi. We are here for you!


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