Roots & Wings Blog

Dayguards’ “Forest Floor”
Dayguards (childcare workers) in Finland built a “forest floor” and changed children’s immune systems. Within 30 days of playing in forest soil and leaf garbage, Finnish preschoolers had increased the number of T-cells and much more varied intestinal bacteria.

Peace Day 2021
Montessori schools have a strong Peace Curriculum and all around the world embrace the UNITED NATION’S INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY on September 21st. This year, our class will also give this a focus as it assists us all in understanding how

Our First Nations Friends
Dear Parents, This week’s news weighs heavy on our heart, as information unfolds about the sad and tragic discovery at the former residential school in Kamloops. Roots and Wings Montessori acknowledges the immense hurt and trauma this has caused

Essential Reading
To understand our philosophy on the need for a natural environment for your children, we recommend three essential books: Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv; Nurturing the Spirit in the Non-Sectarian Classroom, by Aline Wolf; and Free Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy.

The Absorbent Mind
The Absorbent Mind was Maria Montessori’s most in-depth work on her educational theory, based on decades of scientific observation of children. Anyone looking to better understand what’s happening in the minds of our budding babies will enjoy this read.…/absorbentmind031…/page/n7/mode/2up

Let Nature be Your Teacher
It is no surprise to see the children’s hunger to be outside after the egregious confinements of the Covid pandemic. For decades, expert leaders in every field have been unanimous in their counsel to ensure children have as much time