We know that finding the right preschool or daycare can be a daunting task. See our FAQ below for answers to your most pressing questions.

Have a question that isn’t covered here? Feel free to call our office at 604-575-0788 or email admissions@rootsandwingsbc.com

Table of Contents

About Montessori

Montessori education is a child-centered approach to learning that emphasizes independence, self-discovery, and hands-on exploration. It focuses on preparing children for life through a specially designed environment and materials that encourage them to learn at their own pace and through their own unique interests.

Learn more here:

The Montessori Method: Education for Life (short documentary)

How Montessori Prepares Children for the Real World (our blog!)

Montessori preschools offer numerous benefits for young learners. These include:

  • Enhanced independence: Children are encouraged to take initiative and make choices, fostering a sense of self-reliance.
  • Strong self-confidence: The Montessori method empowers children to believe in their abilities and take on challenges.
  • Love of learning: Children are presented with engaging and stimulating materials, sparking a natural curiosity and love of learning.
  • Social and emotional development: Montessori classrooms promote collaboration, respect for others, and empathy.
  • Academic readiness: Children develop strong foundational skills in language, math, science, and the arts, setting them up for success in future schooling.

Compared with a non-Montessori preschool, a Montessori preschool approaches children with a unique “follow the child” philosophy, enabling students to learn through natural motivation and curiosity. Learning is not pressured, materials are specifically designed to invite their use, so that learning unfolds naturally in our environment that we prepare so carefully in every detail.

Montessori discovered distinct stages of development, from infancy to adulthood, each with a 3-year cycle.  We focus on the age 3-6 cycle, during which our little ones spend two years establishing roots of learning, laying the groundwork using concrete materials for a transition to more abstract learning in the third year.  In addition to strong social skills that serve them for life, our graduates are typically writing in cursive, reading, doing decimal math and have a global concept of culture and geography.  Leaving before the completion of the third year robs them of the opportunity to capitalize on all they have invested in this learning, so we prioritize registration for children who are committed to staying with us for their kindergarten year.

About Roots & Wings

We can help eligible families apply for ACCB. Eligibility requirements can be found here: BC’s Affordable Child Care Benefit

We realize that not all Montessori preschools are built the same. While some preschools use the name lightly, our implementation of the Montessori method is one of authenticity, rigorously adhering to all of the principles that Montessori herself followed in her classrooms. Our guides are all Montessori certified, and our classroom environments follow all Montessori requirements, making us an authentic (and proud!) Montessori school.

We value the individuality of our school! While we are not limited by any one accreditation program, we are committed to upholding the highest standards. Our program is a result of 40 years of success, including participation in conferences throughout North America, collaborating with accredited guides and leaders from around the globe.

While there is a wide variety of Montessori schools with various degrees of implementation, we rigorously adhere to all of the principles that Montessori herself followed in her classrooms. Our guides are all Montessori certified, and our classroom environments follow all Montessori requirements, with a full complement of Montessori materials, making us an authentic (and proud!) Montessori school.

Preschool Program - Heritage House location

We have a child-prepared hot lunch program available to those who are enrolled in our full-day program. In this program, children learn all about cooking, measuring, table-setting and especially sharing, when they gather and eat together every day in our preschool kitchen.

Additionally, our preschool has a snack table, where all children can prepare a snack and/or eat when they wish.

While daycare and preschool share some general similarities, they have distinct differences in terms of their purpose, focus, curriculum, and structure. The primary goal of daycare is to provide care and maintain the well-being of children, while preschool is an early education program designed to enhance the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children.

Read more here: Preschool or Daycare – What’s the Right Fit for My Child?

Children are required to be potty trained to register for preschool. Is your child still on their training journey? We have resources to help them reach independence 🙂.


We follow Fraser Health Authority licensing regulations, which stipulate 10:1 preschool; 8:1 daycare.

Our preschool children play outside for a minimum of 30 minutes everyday, rain or shine (with an exception for extreme weather conditions). We like to say: “There’s no bad weather, just improper clothing”. All children are required to have a full set of rain gear at school at all times.

Our preschool follows the Montessori philosophy which recommends that children attend school five days per week. Children thrive in routine! If they miss a day or two, it can take some time to refocus and settle into the flow of the classroom again. In our experience, part-time attendance does not allow the child to receive the full benefits of Montessori.

If you are unable to register for preschool 5 days/week, our Sullivan daycare program may be able to accommodate you. 

Our blog: Preschool or Daycare – What’s the Right Fit for My Child?

On Pro-D days it’s our teachers’ turn to learn! One of our foundational values is fostering a sense of lifelong learning, so Roots & Wings and its diverse team of professionals are always looking to grow and evolve our excellence in education. Pro-D days are used to visit other schools, attend conferences/workshops or to deepdive together on a particular topic.

While our preschool is closed during Pro-D days, our daycare is open. If you are registered for preschool + full day daycare (7:30am-5:30pm), no drop-in fees will apply on Pro-D days, as well as winter and spring break.

Daycare Program - Sullivan location

Our daycare program does not currently provide meals.

To qualify for part-time attendance, we require a second family to “pair” with yours in order to fill a 5 day spot. One family would do 3 days and the other 2 days. This sometimes means the wait will be longer for part-time families. We are happy to facilitate the paring of part-time families through our waitlist. To place your child on our waitlist, we require a copy of the registration form which you will receive during your Roots & Wings tour.

This is not currently a requirement at our Sullivan location. Is your child still on their training journey? We have resources to help them reach independence 🙂.


Our preschool children play outside for at least 30 minutes everyday, rain or shine (with an exception for extreme weather conditions). We like to say: “There’s no bad weather, just improper clothing”. All children are required to have a full set of rain gear at school at all times.

Our daycare is open everyday Monday-Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM except for stat holidays and a couple of Pro-D days during the year. Very occasionally we require an early dismissal for special events or extraneous circumstances.

Are you looking for a Montessori school for your child? Download our handy checklist for reference during your next preschool tour: What to Look for In a Montessori Preschool.

Want to learn more? Contact us today for a tour!